Iraqi rewind

Alice Turing

9 September 2013

Hey Americans, do you see what your country is about to do to Syria? It is a repeat of Iraq. Just like Iraq, you will spend money, sacrifice your freedoms, and sacrifice Syrians so that some people in your country can profit.

If you doubt that it's profitable, look at the process of military actions.

  1. Government claims that America is endangered by terrorists, dictators, communists, or satanists.
  2. Government buys equipment from arms and other manufacturers. (Manufacturers profit. Americans pay.)
  3. Government also buys services from military contractors (that we used to call mercenaries). (Academi/Xe/Blackwater and other mercenaries profit. Americans pay.)
  4. Your military acts. (Syrians pay with their lives.)
  5. Everyone except Americans knows what's happening and resents it, so years later, someone hijacks an airplane, bombs a building, or says something threatening into a microphone.
  6. Government claims that America is endangered, reduces Americans's freedoms, and begins their next profitable military action.

Americans, your military actions increase your Gross Domestic Product at the expense of your tax dollars, your freedoms, and other peoples's lives. It's a cycle in which you are being used.

Why are you the last to understand this?